Trade Program

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Join our Expert Trade Program

Welcome to La Galerie à La Mode's Designer Trade Program, designed by experts for experts.

15 - 20% OFF Products*

Exclusive discounts


Enjoy competitive pricing, personalized service, and access to an exclusive network of top vendors and artisans. Tailored for interior designers, architects, home developers, set designers, and hospitality professionals. Elevate your projects effortlessly with our exceptional products and dedicated support.

Trade memeber support

Get in touch with our support team at any time to inquire about a product.

Custom Quotes

Custom purchase invoices, lead times, products delivery estimates, and shipping instructions

Exclusive Discount Pricing

15% - 20% off on most of our products. The more you spend, the more you will save!

Stool Chair

Step #1

Become a member

Apply using the contact form below to sign up for our Trade Program and gain access to exclusive discounts.

Step #2

Get Approved

Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by our support team with an outcome.

Step #3

Place your order

Once approved you can submit your order and your products will be shipped. View our Shipping Info for delivery estimates.

Submit an application

Please apply on this page here. After you apply, please allow three business days for your account to be approved. Upon approval, you will receive more detailed information regarding the specific benefits of our Trade Program.

Make your selection

View our range of home decor to inspire your next project.

BEST SELLERS All products

Frequently Asked Questions

Trade Program